Canadian college and universities

Helpful Links about Canada

Here are some helpful links you can use to learn more about Canada, its education system, new laws about visitors work permit, how to secure your health and much more.

We do our best to answer all the question you might have about living and studying in Canada but please remember that you can contact us anytime if you have any questions which is not answered yet.

canada ministry of education | RC academy

Canadian Ministry of Education

Learn about education in Canada and how Canadian government will help you grow ...
Canadian health insurance for visitors | RC academy

Canadian Health Insurance

Find out more about how you can be secure as a foreign student in Canada...
start your life in canada | RC academy

Start Your Life in Canada

Learn about living in Canada. Find newcomer services, a place to live, work,...
government of canada | RC academy

Government of Canada

Good source for everything you need to know about Canada before you travel...
canadian immigration and citizenship | RC academy

Immigration & Citizenship

Good source for people thinking about become an immigrant to Canada...
work-permit for visitors in Canada | RC academy

Work as Visitors in Canada

Learn more about the new Canadian laws on temporary work permits for visitors...